Our epic goal is to bring together One Billion Heartbeats to amplify our personal experience of Harmony, reduce fear and increase Harmony in our world!
Can you feel your heartbeat right now?
Click Here for tips on how to feel your heartbeat and increase harmony today.
The Heartbeats for Harmony Challenge is to feel your heartbeat for one minute every day.
Any time, any day, anywhere is a good time to feel your Heartbeat.
When you feel your heartbeat, you are doing it right!
Your Heartbeat Is Home.
The more you feel your heartbeat the more Harmony will be amplified in your world.
The first wave of feeling our Heartbeats for Harmony started December 12, 2019 setting our intention of feeling our heartbeats for more harmony in our lives and world.
As part of our Global Harmony Wave,
you are invited to feel your heartbeat every time you see the number 12 (twelve)
The easiest way to synchronize with heartbeats around the world is to tune in any time there is a 12 in the time. 12:12, 1:12, 2:12, 3:12, 4:12, 5:12, 6:12, 7:12, 8:12, 9:12, 10:12, 11:12
Pick any time and feel your heartbeat for 1 minute.
We are synchronizing our heartbeats by minutes not hours so it will not matter what time zone you are in.
Any time is a good time to feel your heartbeat! Feel your heartbeat anytime you see a 12 anywhere.
HEARTBEATS for HARMONY – Live event!
The 12th day every month at 12:00 PM Central
Hosted by Will Hale
We will begin at the top of the hour with a simple Heartfulness skill and a 12 minute Harmony Refresh of feeling our heartbeat, breathing and relaxing into a state of calm.
Call or email anytime if you have questions or comments.
Thanks! Will Hale 651-307-3849 Will@HeartfulHarmony.com

A Heartful Harmony Refresh is a simple skill with three easy steps,
• Feel your physical heartbeat.
• Be aware of your breath.
• Allow your body to settle into calm.
This heartful state of being supports a lifestyle of energetic buoyancy, where life can flow with more harmony, calm, ease, intuition, confidence, safety, concentration, aliveness, gratitude and generosity. As Heartful Harmony becomes an effortless habit, you will experience increased relaxed confidence.

Is your house on fire? I agree with Greta Thunberg when she said,
“I want you to act as if your house is on fire, because it is.”
Climate change is just one issue. How are we going to overcome all the epic challenges when it looks like EVERYTHING is on fire!
James “Gus” Speth – Author of 7 books and a champion of fundamental systemic change with The Next System Project offers some insights,
“I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”
Complicated problems do not require complicated solutions.
Every problem holds the answer to its solution.
Within scientific circles, high carbon dioxide levels are accepted as significantly contributing to climate change. While scientist struggle to develop carbon capture technology, a perfect technology already exists, it is called a TREE.
Planting a tree is a simple solution you can do today to improve our environment. The Nature Conservancy’s Plant a Billion Trees campaign is one coordinated effort toward a global goal of planting a Trillion Trees.
The cultural and spiritual transformation that Gus Speth speaks of, can sound as complicated and overwhelming as dealing with climate change. Scientists may not have found a way to remedy “selfishness, greed and apathy” but WE CAN!
If fear is a root cause for so many problems, could we invent a love amplifier? Something that restores harmony, eliminates fear and amplifies love in our personal lives and world. Love amplifiers already exist! It is called a HEART.
FEELING YOUR HEARTBEAT is a simple solution to reduce toxic levels of fear in our social culture. We are shifting from a fear based history to a heart centered future. Heartful Harmony is a simple solution to a complicated world. You don’t have to understand how electricity works to turn on a light switch and we don’t need to understand why planting trees or feeling our heartbeat is beneficial, we can simply do it.
A HEARTFUL HARMONY REFRESH is how we can put out the fire of selfishness, greed and apathy. By planting Harmony, we extinguish the cause of all fear based complications.
Learn the Harmony Refresh skill right now! Click Here for a free pdf guide.
A Heartful Harmony Refresh is a simple skill with three easy steps,
• Feel your physical heartbeat.
• Be aware of your breath.
• Relax your body into calm.
Invite everyone with a heart!

It is interesting to note, almost every mammal, including humans have about one billion heartbeats in a lifetime. Humans have on average a heart rate of 60 to 70 beats per minute. An elephant can have 30 beats per minute for around 70 years with about a billion heartbeats. While a hamster with a fast pulse of 450 beats per minute, can squeeze a billion heartbeats into three years.
You might be wondering how many of us will it take to contribute a Billion Heartbeats for Harmony.
Based on the average relaxed heart rate of 60 beats per minute, feeling your heartbeat for an average of one minute every day for one year, it would only take 4,566 people to be consciously aware of one billion heartbeats.
Imagine putting your attention on 21,900 heartbeats. It only requires sixty seconds a day and you still have over 31 million extra heartbeats.
All we are asking in the Heartbeats for Harmony Challenge is to be aware of 0.0007% of your heartbeats in one year. Are you willing to try?
To join One Billion Hearts in Harmony simultaneously at one time, we would need 1,700,000 people to feel our heartbeats for one minute. This may look like a big number but consider, a media partner like Jimmy Kimmel Live! with over 1.81 million viewers could easily invite one billion heartbeats in one minute.
If you are serious about being part of Gus Speth’s cultural and spiritual transformation to solve the problems of “selfishness, greed and apathy” you can massively amplify our progress by feeling your heartbeat as often as you can.
Our hearts are timeless, so anytime is a good time to feel your heartbeat! The more you feel your heartbeat the more Harmony will be amplified in your life experience.

Learn the Harmony Refresh skill right now! Click Here for a free pdf guide.
You can also receive a collection of HARMONY REFRESH Quick Start Gifts as a member in the free HEARTFUL HARMONY MOMENTUM COMMUNITY. This is a free subscription group. The Harmony Refresh Quick Start will give you simple, easy support to begin effortlessly reducing stress, gaining momentum and increasing harmony in every area of your life. Join now at www.HarmonyRefresh.com
The Great Calm is a Heartful vision for where we are and where we are going.
Click Here for a free Calm Meditation Be Here and Be Calm
You can make donations to support
Heartbeats for Harmony here. Thanks!
“A Dream You Dream Alone Is Only A Dream. A Dream You Dream Together Is Reality.” – John Lennon