You can begin to break trigger patterns and immediately access your calm.
You can receive a collection of HARMONY REFRESH Quick Start Gifts as a member in the free HEARTFUL HARMONY MOMENTUM COMMUNITY. This is a free subscription group. The Harmony Refresh Quick Start will give you simple, easy, support to begin effortlessly reducing stress, gain momentum and increase harmony in every area of life.
Join now at www.HarmonyRefresh.com
The SEVEN SKILLS of HARMONY will be featured in the upcoming collection
One Light, Many Reflections This is an important foundation to build a harmonious lifestyle. (A new version is in the works since the original blog post site was deleted.)
The HARMONY REFRESH is the foundation that can provide every benefit of Heartfulness. The Complete Heartful Harmony system expands and greatly amplifies a harmonious lifestyle.
Click Here for an outline of the Complete Heartful Harmony System.

Personal, Private – HEARTFULNESS HARMONY REFRESH Guidance is available.
Learn the basic foundation of Heartfulness one on one with Harmony Refresh founder Will Hale.
Three 30 minute private experiential sessions on Skype, Zoom, or Phone.
In person session are available in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area.
Contact Will Hale for complete details 651-307-3849 will@HeartfulHarmony.com